Just view decades ago, working with a computer was very limited. The average person
had no need to use this technology. Today, not only can the average person type letters
using the computer, but we can…
• Send electronic mail (e-mail) to a friend in California. ~ No Stamp Required ~
• View and edit digital pictures on your computer.
• Listen to your favorite music on the internet.
• Watch the latest DVD release on your computer. “Please Pass the Popcorn”
• With the use of the internet and a web camera, talk and see someone from another
country with the use of computer.
• Pay your bills online.
• The future provides endless possibilities…
The computer shown below is called a Desktop PC. (PC stands for Personal Computer).
The Hardware of the computer are those components you see in front of you (and some
that you can not see located inside the Computer Case): the Keyboard, the Mouse, the
Computer Case (sometimes referred to as the Tower, the CPU, and often “the
Computer”), and the Monitor.
Parts of Computer